Life Lessons from the Hill Cumorah

While I was in Palmyra, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend sacrament meeting on the Hill Cumorah. The spirit was amazing even though we were all exhausted. (I believe at one point we counted 15 of the 26 work crew members sleeping during the meeting. I'm no math major, but that seems like a fairly large portion.) Those that stayed awake had the chance to hear some amazing talks. There were three standout statements/analogies that I thought I would share with the guys that fell asleep and the rest of the world. They really touched me and I hope that they can inspire you as well.

1. We must paddle through adversity.

The brother giving this talk explained that while kayaking in a turbulent river, the only way to maintain complete control over the rapids is to paddle faster than the current. Though the water may be intimidating and unknown, it is completely conquerable as long as you are the one in control. As soon as you stop paddling, the river will take you where it wants. (And often times it isn't where you'd like to be.) He compared this kayak trip to our life which is full of relentless challenges and temptations. As long as we keep paddling forward, we can direct ourselves through the difficult times, but when we decide to float, we lose our control. We don't want to let life sweep us away. The world is way too scary to float.

2. We are spiritual beings.

I loved the perspective I gained with this one. We truly are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. He sent us here to gain a body, so we could be tested through trial and grow as a result of those challenges. Though life is hard at times, we can turn to our Heavenly Father for comfort, peace, and help. He loves us and wants us to return to live with him and we can. When challenges come, you need to remember that you are a child of God and he will help you if you let him.

3. We must enjoy to the end.

This one is such a simple truth. Life is full of so much joy. Why miss it?

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